Dr Saba Javed is an experienced clinical psychiatrist currently practicing in Canberra. Her areas of specialty include alcohol and drug addiction, chronic pain, mood disorders, anxiety disorders including PTSD, and psychopharmacology.
Dr Javed currently offers item 291 (opinion and report to General Practitioners), and also offers shared care with GP’s and Psychologists.
Referral must be triaged and accepted by Dr Javed for any appointment.
For new patients:
Please note that Dr Javed runs her clinic every second Tuesday and her wait time is around 6 months for a new patient. However, we have high cancellation rate, and you may be able to see Dr Javed sooner if you are put on the cancellation list.
Please email us your referral and reception will call you for an appointment once Dr Javed accepts you as a patient. Please note this process will take 3+ weeks and we appreciate your patience.
If you have an urgent referral by GP, please send to us as soon as possible, and we may be able to put you on the cancellation list once you are accepted by Dr Javed.
Otherwise, we recommend you to discuss with your GP and see if you can see other psychiatrist who is available sooner.